Upcoming Beta Event

By the end of this weekend there will be a beta event starting. Anyone interested should join our official Discord server at https://discord.gg/szrv9Zz. The beta test will be coordinated from there and a limited number of Steam keys will be given out for testing purposes. This event will only last between one and two weeks so if you’re interested, act fast.

This beta will serve as a multiplayer stress test, a preview to potential fans, and will be the last chance for players to give feedback and make suggestions before the game ships. We will be closely watching the results of the beta as it happens.

In addition we will also be working on completing the manual here on the website as the beta test runs. It’s difficult to approach a game like this without a solid quickstart guide so that’s a high priority. Before that is done, any questions can be quickly addressed in the Discord server.

Finally, this beta test is likely to undergo rapid revisions as early bugs are found and fixed and are expected to quickly stabilize soon after. This is a good time to slip in minor tweaks and enhancements so it’s all the more reason to join in on the event.

We hope to see you all there.

Sharing is caring!